Books To Be Read

Jan, 22, 2018

Every month I look forward to watching other people talk about their TBR lists on YouTube. These videos are a great way to find new book recommendations and also learn more about the books that they are talking about. Since starting my YouTube channel I have done a few TBR videos some of which are not even on my channel anymore (I deleted them because I wasn’t really happy with how they came out after I edited them). I truly enjoy talking about books and most importantly reading them, and last year I found it difficult to read the books that were actually on my TBR list.

Every time I would go to the library I would see an interesting book then take it home and end up reading it before reading the books on my to be read list. This year I want to do things a little bit different. I want to create more fashion related videos, and eventually have a set schedule for when new videos will come out. I also want to write a lot more blog posts. As a result I will probably not have that much time to read as many books as I usually do. I will be pre filming my TBR videos ahead of time. I will be keeping these videos a lot shorter and only talking about three to four books per video. If I am lucky and have more time to read then I’ll pick up more books and keep you updated on what I am reading on Instagram or Twitter.

I look forward to creating more content. Let me know what your most anticipated books of 2018 are in the comments below.

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