Glossier Serums First Impressions

Dec, 10, 2017

Glossier is one of the brands I have been wanting to try out for some time now. The hype around Glossier is still going strong; everyone is talking about this brand. During the Black Friday weekend I ended up purchasing a few of their products that I was really excited to try out. The serums were at the top of my list of products to try from Glossier. I am always looking for new serums and oils to try so keep reading to find out my thoughts on these three pretty little bottles.

Super Bounce

The Super Bounce serum with hyaluronic acid and vitamin B5 was the serum out of the three that I was the most excited about. I am happy to say that I was not disappointed. This serum made my skin feel like it had had a drink of water. My skin as I have mentioned before tends to get dehydrated and dry during fall and winter. I apply the Super Bounce serum at night and in the morning my skin still feels hydrated and it looks healthy. I will definitely repurchase this serum, I only wish they weren’t 15ml so I wouldn’t have to repurchase so often.

Super Glow

The Super Glow serum with vitamin C and magnesium is the serum that I least like out of the three. I don’t notice any difference in my skin when I apply this at all. The Super Glow serum feels like water when I apply it on my skin where as the other two feel a lot thicker.

Super Pure

The Super Pure serum with niacinamide and zinc was the serum that I originally thought I wasn’t going to get much use of. It says on the packaging that it’s for “breakout-prone skin and redness”. Yes, I am one of those annoying people that rarely ever breaks out. However, I still wanted to try it out and I was surprised by how much I like this. I apply this at night and in the morning my skin looks dewy and fresh. My skin feels the same when I use this serum as when I use the Super Bounce serum; it just doesn’t feel dry.

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I can’t wait to try out more products from Glossier so keep a look out on my YouTube channel for a Glossier Haul.

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