Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur Book Review

Aug, 08, 2016

Milk and Honey

Milk and Honey is a book of poetry that is split up into four sections: the hurting, the loving, the breaking, and the healing. The poems are short and to the point. It’s not a book where you will have to sit for hours trying to understand what every single poem means. Which, I will be honest, is what I always feared reading poetry would be like.

Throughout the book there are some poems that touch on some heavy subjects. For example, the hurting section in the book dealt with a lot of abuse. When I first sat down and starting reading Milk and Honey I immediately thought it was going to be a dark read. However, I soon found out that each section in the book dealt with different topics such as love and moving forward, which I enjoyed.

The hurting and the breaking sections of the book had the poems that I  thought dealt with heavier topics. Whereas the sections the loving and the healing were more uplifting and motivating.

The artwork in the book adds a nice touch to each poem; it is simple and doesn’t overshadow the poems.

I truly really enjoyed reading Milk and Honey. The healing section was by far my favorite to read. It is difficult rating this book since Milk and Honey was the first full book of poetry I have ever read. I don’t have anything to compare it to other than poems I that I read in the past by Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe. Their work was so different that it just doesn’t seem fair to compare them. Since I enjoyed reading it I am giving Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur 5/5 stars.

September 30, 2016

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