My Favorite Books of 2018

Jan, 12, 2019

Last year I didn’t end up reading all of the books I wanted to read. I started off the year with a very ambitious TBR list and I don’t think I read even half of those books. There were so many classics, mysteries, YA, fiction, and non – fiction books I wanted to read (Check out my YouTube channel if you want to see my TBR videos). But, I think that I probably put to much pressure on myself to reach my reading goals that instead I ended up in the biggest reading slump.  Are there any book lovers out there who can relate? Let me know.

I didn’t keep a list of all of the books I read in 2018 but I do remember some of the books that I read and the ones that really stood out to me.  Below is a list of all of my favorites in no particular order. I am not giving a description of each book because then this post would be way too long. Instead I wrote down why I liked the books I listed. If you want a more detailed description on these books then make sure you check out my “Books” playlist on my YouTube channel.


  1. Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson (YA Fiction) – Okay I know I said these books weren’t listed in any particular order but this one is my all-time favorite. It’s filled with great characters, mystery and suspense.  For me it was the biggest page-turner of the year.
  2. They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera (YA Fiction) – This book left me thinking about it for days after I finished reading it. It really made me think about how short life is and how important it is for us to enjoy every second of it.
  3. Turtles All The Way Down by John Green (YA Fiction) – I was really happy when I found out about this book. If you like reading books that focus a little bit on mental health then you might like this one.  Mental health is not the main focus of the book in my opinion. However, it still does a really good job at explaining what someone with a mental illness (anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder) goes through.  It is beautifully written. I definitely want to read more of John Green’s books.
  4. The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson (YA Fiction) – I read all of the books in The Remnant Chronicles and I loved them. I love the world that Mary E. Pearson created and all of the characters. If you love reading fantasy then definitely look into this trilogy.
  5. Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight (Non- Fiction) – I had some of Sarah Knight’s books on my TBR list for a while. So, I was happy when I finally had the chance to read this. It has a lot of  great tips on how to stay organized and on top of things.
  6. City of Ghosts by V.E. Schwab (YA Fiction) – I loved reading this book. I was in the worst reading slump when I picked this up, and I feel like it kind of helped me get out of it. It is a very fun easy read filled with adventure.
  7. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart (YA Fiction) – I didn’t know what to expect when I first picked up this book. At times I was a little confused but towards the end everything made sense. This book has mystery, love and friendships. I think that anyone who reads this book will really enjoy it.

I would love to know what your favorite books of 2018 were, so let me know in the comments below.


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