Reading Wrap Up

Aug, 27, 2017

Happy Sunday!

Another week has passed and it’s time for me to share with you what books I read this week.

Stalking Jack The Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

Stalking Jack the Ripper was such a fun read. I was instantly hooked from the first page. This story follows Audrey Rose Wadsworth a girl who is passionate about forensic science during a time when women were expected to attend tea, do needle work, and act like society expected them to. She soon gets involved in trying to solve who Jack the Ripper is along with her Uncle and her Uncle’s student Thomas. Throughout the book Audrey Rose is determined to show she is just as capable as a man to work in the science field. I loved how she stood up to men throughout the book.

Kerri Maniscalco did an amazing job describing London fashion during the 1800s which was something I really enjoyed reading about. I styled my own modern day all black outfit (in the picture above) inspired by her own all black outfits described in the book.

I think anyone who loves a good mystery book will love this story.

A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi

I read A Crown of Wishes over the last two weeks and I really enjoyed reading it. This story follows Gauri a prisoner who is also the princess of Bharata and Vikram the prince of Ujijain as they participate in the Tournament of Wishes. They both have their own individual reasons for participating in the Tournament of Wishes. Throughout A Crown of Wishes you see both of their characters develop more and more as they go through the trials. Roshani Chokshi described the world she created in such beautiful detail that I can’t help but look forward to reading A Star Touched Queen which was released before this A Crown of Wishes. A Crown of Wishes is such a magical read that I think would be great for anyone looking to read something filled with adventure, magic and romance.

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