Reading Wrap Up

Aug, 13, 2017

Happy Sunday!

This week I finished reading two books; you can read my thoughts on them below. Also, If you want to know what other books I will be reading this month then make sure you watch my August Books TBR video. 


I was going to do a review on this book but so much happened in Lord of Shadows that I felt there would be no end to my review, and it would have had so many spoilers in it. I think I could talk about this book for hours. Lord of Shadows is the second book of the Dark Artifices and it is brilliant. I was pleasantly surprised with the diversity in Lady Midnight and I am so happy that there is even more diversity in this sequel. I haven’t read any other young adult books with so much diversity before and I applaud Clare for her diverse characters. The plot is fantastic and the characters are relatable. The ending of this book broke my heart! (Why Cassandra Clare? Why?) If you haven’t read Lord of Shadows and you enjoyed reading Lady Midnight I really think you will love this book. You can read my review on Lady Midnight here.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

In my August TBR video I talked about how hesitant I was to read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. It was a very easy read and I got through it fast. I’m not going to talk about the plot or the new characters that are introduced in this story because I don’t want to give away spoilers for those of you that want to read it. I thought it was entertaining but I found myself stopping throughout the book and disagreeing with how some characters were portrayed. I don’t think that Harry, Ron, Draco and Hermione sounded like themselves. I know this book takes place nineteen years later but I think their personalities were way off. I also found it hard to relate to the new characters introduced in this story and I think it might be because of the way that it was written (it’s a play). I wasn’t disappointed since I had already watched a lot of review videos (some with spoilers) so I already knew what was going to happen. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child wasn’t how I expected the eighth story to be. That being said, I will always love the Harry Potter world that J.K. Rowling created.

My August TBR

August 27, 2017

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