The Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb was a fantastic read. I honestly can’t believe how long it took me to pick this book up.

This book follows the character Fitz who at a young age is taken to the royals by his maternal grandfather. His grandfather leaves him there and basically tells the guards that he is now their responsibility. Fitz is the bastard son of Chivalry who is the next in line to be the next King of the Six Duchies. So as you can imagine this causes quite the stir.

This story takes place over the span of a few years. During this time we get to see Fitz train to become an assassin as well as be educated in different forms of art and magic. It’s interesting to see the different relationships Fitz develops with the members of the royal family, and I am curious to see how those relationships progress in the next book. I also liked how not everything is explained in the first book – like how Fitz has a strange ability to connect with animals. His connection with animals caught my attention from the beginning and it left me with a lot of questions.

From the start I found The Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb to be absolutely gripping. This was a very fast read due to the interesting characters. Some of the characters are manipulating while others seem to have a few secrets. If you like reading about assassins, politics, manipulation, and court life then I think you would like this book. Hobb did a great job with the world building in The Assassin’s Apprentice. I am definitely looking forward to reading the next one.
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