The Tenth Circle Book Review

Nov, 10, 2015

First and foremost, this book is beautiful. It is captivating from the beginning to the end. I don’t really know how to review this book without giving away any spoilers!

It is about a family being affected by violent crime. There are a lot of different stories regarding this crime that the police really don’t know who to believe. From the beginning of the story, you will be able to see how much Daniel loves his daughter Trixie and how he struggles with the realization that she is growing up. This book is also about unconditional love and the lengths that people will go to protect their love ones.

There are a lot of characters in this book, and being able to read from their perspective makes it a really interesting book to read. There are also so many important topics that this book touches such as honesty, growing up, and facing your true self.

I definitely recommend this book for anyone that is looking for a new book to read.

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