If you’ve been a reader of my blog for a while then you know its no secret I love to read. My TBR list is never ending but one of the books I’ve been wanting to read and study as literature is the Bible. In college I was even tempted to take a Bible literature class but I thought it would be too overwhelming on top of all of my other courses. However, this year I kept seeing Bible journaling videos recommended to me on YouTube and they made it seem more fun and less intimidating.

The Ultimate Guide To Bible Journaling Supplies
I ended up buying the CSB She Reads Truth Bible (ad) after a lot of research. I went back and forth on a journaling Bible and a study Bible but ultimately decided to get this one mostly because of the translation. So far I really like it. The CSB She Reads Truth Bible has maps, devotionals, reading plans and more. Eventually I would like to get a study Bible (ad) for more historical context and articles.
Bible pages are known to be extremely thin and the CSB She Reads Truth Bible is no exception. Luckily for you, I have a big stationery collection. I tested a lot of pens, markers and highlighters. Below are the ones that didn’t bleed through the CSB She Reads Truth Bible pages.

My favorite pens for writing notes in my Bible are the Zebra Sarasa Clip Pens in 0.5 (ad). These pens have very little shadowing and the pen size is perfect for writing notes in the small margins. They also come in a variety of colors.

The Pigma Micron pens (ad) in all sizes are also great and have little shadowing.

The Uniball Signo 207 (ad) , Pilot G-2 in 07 (ad) and the Papermate Ink Joy Gel Pens in 0.7 (ad) are also great. These have a tiny bit more shadowing than the others.

The Zebra Mildliners (ad) are great highlighters for those thin Bible pages. Some of the darker colors have more shadowing than the lighter colors.
The Mr. Pen Pastel Gel Highlighters (ad) are also great for bible highlighting. They do however leave a waxy residue if you don’t blend it out.

If you want to use markers in your Bible then you will be happy to know that the Tombow Dual Brush Pens (ad) are great for highlighting. I have tested darker shades like, 528, 845, and N25 and they did not bleed through my CSB She Reads Truth Bible but they did show shadowing.
I have also tested the Amazon Basics Dual Brush Pens (ad) and they are great for highlighting as well. Again, I tested some of the darker colors and they surprisingly only shadowed and didn’t bleed through the pages.
I have not drawn or colored in my Bible so I don’t know if any of the dual brush markers would bleed through the pages if I tried to.

If you’re looking for a great journal to write any additional notes in, then check out the Lemome notebooks (ad). These notebooks have great thick paper which is great for different pens and highlighters.
I hope you enjoyed this post. I know it’s a little bit different from all of my usual content but I love reading and stationery. I figured why not make a blog post that some of you might find helpful?