Weekly Reading Wrap Up

May, 21, 2017

So I have been thinking about new posts for this blog and I decided that I will try to do a weekly post on Sundays on books that I read during the week. Since I do read a lot of books I won’t be talking about every book that I read just the ones that stand out to me. These weekly posts won’t be reviews just a few of my thoughts on the books. Doing these types of posts will take the pressure off of having to do book reviews. (I’m always scared I will give away spoilers)

I will try and include a variety of different books each week ranging from fiction to non –fiction.


Stand Out Books:

Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me by Lily Collins: I saw this book everywhere on Instagram that when I saw it at my local library I decided to pic it up. I mentioned this book in my April and May TBR Video on my YouTube channel. This book was a very fast read, which I enjoyed. This book has a variety of short essays, which deal with topics on relationships, having your own voice within a relationship, eating disorders and more. This is a book that I wish I would have had when I was younger.

South and West by Joan Didion: This is another book that I picked up because of posts I saw on Instagram. I saw this mentioned on the Belletrist book club Instagram page. (Which I absolutely love) This was the first book I read by Joan Didion and I really enjoyed her writing. I found her notes on the south to be so captivating. There were times that I felt like I was traveling the South with her. I would definitely like to read this book again in the future.

Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth: I only read the first book in the Divergent series and I do plan on finishing the series in the near future. When I saw that Veronica Roth had written another book I picked it up at the library as soon as it was available. The world that she created in Carve the mark is so different from other books that I have read. It’s a book set in space, which I liked but I didn’t really connect with the characters. I wish there would have been more diversity but all in all I liked the book.

March 26, 2017

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