Weekly Reading Wrap Up: Marlena by Julie Buntin

May, 28, 2017

This week I am going to talk about only one book and that is Marlena by Julie Buntin. Marlena is such a beautifully written novel that will stay with me for a long time.

Like South and West by Joan Didion this is another book that I picked up once I saw it mentioned on the belletrist book club page on instagram. 

To me Marlena is not just a story about friendship. It’s a story about how some people and some experiences that we have in our lives when we are younger continue to affect us later on in life. How we deal with those experiences and memories later on in life is entirely up to us.

Within the first two pages you get a sense of the friendship that Marlena and Cat had and how much Marlena is still a very big part in Cat’s life even after her death. This novel is definitely a page turner. I was instantly hooked. I didn’t want to read this novel too fast because I didn’t want the story to end. Marlena is a novel that I know I will be reading again.

June 1, 2017

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